First day was pretty crazy, wasn’t it? Not to worry, everyone feels overwhelmed. Take a deep breath and just dive in! With these tips, you are sure to stay on track!
1. Print off your syllabi and write down important dates (i.e. due dates, exams, review sessions) in your planner. You would hate to miss an assignment or an important lecture. You will thank yourself later for doing this.
2. Make a point to meet your teachers. Most professors want to get to know you if you show them that you are willing to put effort in their class. They will respect your work ethic and be more willing to help you.
3. Schedule an appointment with your advisor. If you have questions about your major or your classes, your advisor can answer many of your questions. If you are under University Division, click on this link to schedule an appointment.
4. Go to the Career Development Center. They have some pretty amazing resources here. You can schedule appointments to talk with an advisor about your career path and even edit your resume. Take advantage of this great resource. Click here to check it out.
5. Create time to get some exercise. It can be anywhere from taking a walk to taking a class at the SRSC. This is good for your body and can reduce stress levels. Click here to check out class schedules at the SRSC.
6. Meet new people in your classes. It is a great idea to form study groups with people in your classes. Don’t be afraid to ask for someone’s phone number. They are probably glad you asked!
7. Call your parents. Pretty self-explanatory, they will be happy to hear your voice.
Until next time. GO HOOSIERS!