Being here at IU the past for weeks has been great. I cannot believe I am finally here, it seemed like college was taking for ever to get here. Being here the past four weeks has really reminded me why I chose to go to school here. However, I should tell you that IU was not my first choice intially. Ever since middle school I had wanted to attend Ball State, I know I wasn't thinking straight, thankfully I happened to go on a college visit to IU and I was set straight. I fell in love with everything about IU. The campus is so beautiful, the town is fantastic, and there in so much to do. Already I feel like I am immersing myself into so many new things, and I am learning so much.
I have been enjoying my classes a lot so far, and I am pretty sure they are only going to get better. My first week of classes went rather well thankfully. I had no problems finding my classes, or making it to class on time. I sat in the front in all my classess and made sure to introduce myself, and afterwards I felt really great. Now, as classes are starting to dive deeper into material, I feel even more excited, and I am happy to say I am keeping up with my work. I am also proud to say that I have begun to become involved here at IU. Also the amount of friends that I have made these past few weeks alone is ridiculous, and there is no doubt that I make more friends and the months progress.
My goals for this semester are to:
1. Go to class everyday and on time.
2. Develope and maintain good study habits.
3. Complete assignments on time.
4.Get PLENTY of sleep.
5. Stay active.
6. Have fun.
Of course a few if not all are challenging, but I am a determined person. I will find the best ways to complete these goals and I will share them here. I looke forwared to the oncoming months, and the things to come. I am also looking forward to sharing my expereinces and tips with all the fellow blog readers. Until next time, stay safe ladies and gentlmen, and remember, We Are IU.