There are so many ideas when coming to college about how one will spend their time. Some may strive to be purely studious and get that 4.0 straight through, some think that this is the last chance to party away and don't want to waste it, and some (usually the majority) want to find that balance. I was a part of that majority wanting to find the balance, and through balancing a major and minor, a job, being a part of the best scholarship program there is, Cox Scholars, leadership roles, community work, and a social life, I believe I have.
For me, college has been the biggest learning experience of my life. Yes, I have learned more than imaginable from books and classes in my (almost) 3 years here, but I've mostly gained other beneficial knowledge. Knowledge that will help me in my everyday life and workplace! I've gained communication skills that are crucial, time managing (most important), gained connections, and so many little things we don't even realize.
When you first get to college, it may be difficult to get involved, especially on such a large campus, but here are some tips (from experience) on how to get started:
- Find stuff through your dorm! My first leadership role was when I ran for VP of Public Relations for my dorm the second day after move-in. I really through myself in and loved. I also still talk to people who served on the board with me!
- Go to the fairs and events in the beginning of the year! There are so many clubs and such here at IU it can be overwhelming, but going to the involvement fairs you can walk around and see what catches your eye. You also get the chance to meet with club members and ask questions.
- Talk to professors of classes you enjoy! If you're in a class that really catches your attention, talk to the professor. Not only will you build those crucial student-professor relationships, but you'll also get some tips from someone who really has seen it all.
These are few of the infinitely many ways to get involved. It may be scary to throw yourself in, make those new friends, take on the responsibility and be that active. If that's like you, try some of this stuff:
- Ask your roommate to do something with you! If you two just met, it's a way to get to know them. If you are friends, it's someone to stay by your side and keep you confident.
- Take aside time daily to plan stuff! I understand there a plenty of people who don't prefer to plan, I, personally, would probably have had too many anxiety attacks had I not planned my days. Writing stuff down and organizing it all visually may relieve some of that stress and worry about what has to be done.
- Remember to take the time for fun! I know this is cliche, but it is so true. Freshman year, Fall semester, all I did was work, work, and work. I joined my sorority Spring semester and have never looked back.
- Mostly, you have to enjoy what you are doing!
If you are one of the majority of people I described above, then remember that college is the place to learn those balancing skills. Remember, though, it is balancing. Which means fun is still to be had. Memories are to be made. Life-long friends are to be created.
This is one of the best times of your life and you will never be able to redo these four (or more) years...make the best of them!
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- How to Survive Your First Weeks of Classes Without Having a Nervous Breakdown
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- Freshman Year: What I Learned