I am proud (and shocked) to say that, along with over 7,000 other kids, I recently finished my first month at Indiana University. I say shocked because I swear I moved in less than a week ago and that I saw my parents yesterday, even though it’s really been almost 8 weeks. Here are some things I’ve picked up on throughout my time as a Hoosier:
PHONESCalling your parents is good for everyone. It helps you stay calm in times of frantic stress (i.e. when OnCourse is down) and helps them stay sane in their lonely, you-less life. For me, it has worked to text them throughout the day when I think of it, but to “schedule” a FaceTime on Sunday nights. It’s weird having to pencil-in your parents, but it’s worth it.
The other side of phones: socializing. There are so many types of people at IU and I swear that the one none of us want to become is the one who’s always on his or her phone. Put it down. I promise you won’t miss much. In fact, you’re missing more when you’re sitting on your phone in the middle of a room full of people. Even if you’re just waiting for a class to start, strike up a conversation with the person next to you. Worst comes to worst, they ignore you and then I give you permission to pick up the iPhone again. But at least give it a try. Your Twitter feed will be there in 50 minutes when class is over, but the person next to you won’t be.