As you go on with your four-year studies at IU, you will find yourselves at your lowest points and your highest points in life. All you need to have is time management to be able to always stay high on your roller coaster.
Imagine this: you are a junior in Kelley with a high fever, taking 19 credit-hours, have two exams, one case competition, one internship case and an interview, work meetings, team meetings, exam reviews, pledge meetings in "one" week. Yes, you read that right. ONE. How would you go about your life? It's all about time management and this is where I come in with the world's BEST 6 tips on Time Management.
1. Plan a week ahead!
Your best friend in college is planning. Trust me, there will be a lot of planning: planning for your classes, planning for your majors, planning for your summers, planning for your internships, planning what to have for dinner (I can't leave that out, can I?), and I can go on and on and on. Get into a routine of planning at least a week ahead with your homework and studying. Use your phone planner (that's what I used) so that you can have every meetings and obligations in one place that is easy for you to access. For me, I plan a month ahead and look at my upcoming week's schedule right after the current week's Thursday classes. That's how triple majors in Kelley survive *welps*
2. Prioritize. Prioritize. Prioritize.
I can never stress enough that the most important thing is knowing who, what, and how to prioritize. This is where your inner battle begins: friends/significant other or my studies? Fun or all-nighters? You always have to keep your head straight and decide what's best for you. I will give you a hint that students sometimes choose fun nights instead of study nights and come out of the exam room moody. Yes, it is hard to see straight if a girl/boy you have a crush on is going to be at the hang-out but you gotta remember why you are here.
3. Sometimes Sacrifice is Needed.
Sacrifice doesn't relate to the previous tip of sacrificing your grades for your friends (*laughs cautiously: heh heh*). After you have prioritized your schedule, try to do everything to the best of your ability but do not blame yourself if you have to let go of one obligation. Maybe you cannot make it to the pledge meeting or one of your classes because you have to study or rest. That's totally fine. We all need some additional time to study for relax. Your brain is not a robot! We understand.
4. Surround Yourself with Positive Energy.
Have you talked to your parents or your friends? Having a support system goes a long way whether you are going through rough patches or just a rough midterm week. Give yourself some "reviving" time by calling your loved ones to say hi and to talk about how tough your days have been. Their support and warm words go a long way. Believe me, an international student who is on the other side of the world from her family knows all about this. If you are looking to talk to someone on-campus or in person, please stop by CAPS or Center for Human Growth where you can get all the positive energy and open up your heart to welcoming and non-judgmental professionals!
5. Find Pockets of Time During the Day to Study!
Who said studying can be done only at night? You should look at your daily class schedule and find pockets of your time to study. If you have a wide hour-long gaps between classes, go ahead and get to the designated building, find a quiet place, get some snacks, and start studying. Using these gaps to review your class notes and do homework work too! Whatever subject your heart desires to study.
6. Be Prepared--as always!!!
Look at your next week's homework, test. exams, quizzes, and application deadlines and start preparing. Check your phone calendar or weekly scheduling book for tomorrow's appointment, what you are going to study tomorrow during your spare time, and set your alarm before you go to sleep. That's always a good routine to get used to! Also, be prepared to go out in the mornings for classes; lay out your clothes you wanna wear, pack your book bags, check the weather and make sure you have the necessary clothes especially in the spring semester. Preparation is the key and the first step of being an official adult. There's no mom or dad to drive you or to prepare your breakfast and wake you up.
Once you get into the swing of things you will find this routine beneficial and efficient. I did and still am surprised the once lazy me is gone and am always on top of things even with a crazy schedule. With these time management skills, you will find yourself in balance and in control, plus you still will be able to make lots of time for your friends if you excel at time management!
Let's take on the stressful years at college with these tips, huh? Who's with me?!