Missing your high school friends? We’ve all been there. It’s hard to go through the college transition; knowing that your old friends won’t be with you, and starting new friendships, can seem daunting. However, thanks to today’s ever growing technology, it’s easy to stay connected with people back home, even when you are miles apart.
Before you and your friends head off in separate directions, figure out how you’ll stay in touch. Will you call them? Text them? One popular platform to use in order to keep in contact is Skype. This video and audio calling application is free to download to your computer and they also have an app for your phone! You can create group calling sessions, and message each other. Skype also allows you to see who currently has the app open. If you want a great quality video call with good connection, Skype is the one for you.
My friends, family, and I opt for Google Hangouts. Similar to Skype, Hangouts is a video/audio call application. Where can you find it? Well, if you have a Gmail account, then you can access Hangouts! You are able to call multiple people into one session, including those who don’t have a Gmail account. This application has fun animations similar to Snapchat that can be played around with, and you can mute your microphone if you are ever in a loud or public place. There is also a built-in messaging system, and you can access all this with the Google Hangouts app for your phone! In order to use this application on your computer, go to the top right corner of your Gmail account page and click on the applications (the nine mini boxes) icon. Scroll down and click on “Hangouts”. It’s that simple.
If you need a place to send a quick text or picture to your squad, consider downloading GroupMe. This app uses your internet connection to function instead of MMS, which is run through your cell phone provider. GroupMe is a great way to stay in touch with multiple groups in which you’re involved. The app uses your cell phone number to send and receive messages, but this information doesn’t show up on your profile. GroupMe makes it easy to set up new group chats and add people to the conversation. You can even send images and make them into memes. This app lets you get connected quickly and conveniently.
It can be sad to leave your loved ones and friends, but it’s so easy to stay in touch through calls or texts. Make sure you swap schedules with your buddies so that you can establish a time when everyone will be able to chat. Don’t let the distance between your friends get you down; a simple video call will make you feel better so you can get back to living life here at IU!
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