Coming to Indiana University, I was about as naive as you could be. I wasn't one of those students that pre-ordered their textbooks. I had no idea where I could find an ATM. I was even reluctant to leave my dorm room during Welcome Week for fear of getting lost. But one day, I saw a poster about free week at the SRSC. I decided to go to a Zumba class with some new friends and had a blast. Right then I realized you just have to get out there and explore. It may seem scary at first but that is how you start to feel comfortable. That is when you can discover all the wonderful hidden treasures and spots on campus. Here is a list of all the things and places I didn't discover until about halfway through my freshman year, but now have become my favorite places to go.
1. The Crimson CreameryIf you're looking for a delicious Oreo shake, or an appetizing banana split, visit the Crimson Creamery located on the Foster-Harper side of Gresham Food Court. The best part--you can use meal points!
Not only does Foster have fabulous breakfast buddies at Gresh, delectable ice cream at the Crimson Creamery but it has just about every late night munchie you can imagine at the Hoosier Den. Otherwise known as the "Hoo Den," this place is open every night 10pm till 2am, and features pool tables, ping pong, big screen TVs, gaming TVs, and board games. Not to mention tasty nachos, breadsticks, donuts, and hot dogs. Once I discovered this place, I couldn't stay away.
3. RPS MMMs (Movies, Music & More)You know that feeling when you have a strong desire to watch a certain movie, and that movie only? But you don't own it and it's not available on Netflix. Stop by one of the RPS MMM Libraries. There's a good chance they will have it. Conveniently located in most dorms, my friends and I would go rent The OC series on the weekends. All you need is a student ID!
Everyone pulls an all-nighter at least once a semester at good 'ol Wells. Wander down to the basement and you'll find Chick-Fil-A! I'm guilty of snacking on their chicken nuggets and waffle fries every once in a while. Just remember they're not open on Sundays.
5. IMU Bowling/MoviesThe IMU plays feature films every weekend and they're free! Perfect date spot. Not to mention they have "The Back Alley", a great place to go bowling. The union is centrally located on campus and I am just beginning to realize everything it has to offer.
6. Collins Living-Learning CenterAre you a Harry Potter fan? Then you need to go check out the dining hall at Collins. When you step inside, you actually feel like you're in Hogwarts. I got tired of eating at Gresh all the time so I tried it out with some friends and they have yummy meals that are actually pretty healthy.
Last but certainly not least, is the McNutt C-Store. I feel so lucky to have lived in McNutt because I got to eat their sandwiches on the daily, and sip on a made-to-order Starbucks drink or a strawberry smoothie. What I didn't know about this place: it doesn't open until 11am on the weekends. If you plan on going to a tailgate, you will have to make your way to a different food court.
I hope that you will check out all these places and discover some of your own!
Related Articles:
- Kaylee's Dining Hall Awards: The Best Food on IU's Campus and Where to Get It
- McWhat? Dorm Review: McNutt
What other places should we add to this list? Share your recommendations in the Comments section below.